[백준] Baekjoon Online Judge
There is a new conveyor belt sushi restaurant in town. Plates of sushi travel around the restaurant on a raised conveyor belt and customers choose what to eat by removing plates.
Each red plate of sushi costs $3, each green plate of sushi costs $4, and each blue plate of sushi costs $5.
Your job is to determine the cost of a meal, given the number of plates of each colour chosen by a customer.
The first line of input contains a non-negative integer, R, representing the number of red plates chosen. The second line contains a non-negative integer, G, representing the number of green plates chosen. The third line contains a non-negative integer, B, representing the number of blue plates chosen.
Output the non-negative integer, C, which is the cost of the meal in dollars.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int r, g, b;
cin >> r >> g >> b;
cout << r * 3 + g * 4 + b * 5 << '\n';
return 0;
입력 받은 접시의 수에 각 접시의 비용을 곱해서 더하면 된다.
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